More than just a printer

Modern Slavery Statement


Clarkeprint Ltd statement on anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking

This statement is made pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”) and sets out the steps that Clarkeprint has taken and will be taking to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business, or that of our supply chain.

Clarkeprint is committed to operating all its business activities in an ethical manner. We set out comply with all legislation relating to the equality and diversity of our employees and those employed in our supply chain. Clarkeprint supports every individual’s human rights and will not tolerate the use of child labour and forced labour under any circumstances. We believe that neither employees, customers, contractors or any other person should be harmed or made unwell as a result of work we do or the services we provide.

We believe the best way to ensure the integrity of our supply chain is to be part of a global organisation namely The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) an international, non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting responsible management of the world’s forests. As part of membership of this organisation Clarkeprint is audited annually to ensure compliance with all its principles and requirements.